MCRO including 87 local women peacebuilders, humanitarian responders and human rights defenders convened in Berlin at the world’s second Global Women’s Forum for Peace and Humanitarian Action (GWF2023). Organized by the United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) — in partnership with Germany’s Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) — GWF2023 convened a bold and diverse group of civil society activists representing women-led and women’s rights civil society organizations from 29 countries across Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Arab States. These women leaders gathered in Berlin to exchange on their challenges and impacts, build new connections and solidarity, engage in capacity development and self-care, define their key priorities and to call on the international community to invest in their critical work in fragile settings.

MCRO attending Diplomtic and NGO Bazzar at UN ECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa)Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Engaging Families in Children’s Education is a learning programme appropriate for all sector who wish to develop their practice around family engagement by understanding the Why and the How of engaging families in children's education. The programme explores the rationale for better engagement with families, and the legislative/policy background which requires it. Programme materials include a summary which can be shared with colleagues and families.