Women Empowerment

Pic: Addressed 350 marginalized women and vulnerable grils on economic empowerment opportunities in income diversification, productivity and value chain

Burayiu City Adminstration, Oromia Zone

MCRO promotes the integrated empowerment approaches for an overall improvement of women's livelihood promotes through skill training and non-formal/adult education. Overall MCRO uses three pillars approaches for integrated women empowerment that is economic development, social and emotional development, Skill development (entrepreneurship and business skill).

Good Governance Justice and Peace Building

Pic: Civic and Voter Education – addressed 1500 vulnerable women and first time voter grils

Burayu City Administration Oromia Zone

MCRO inherently believes in the importance of mobilizing the community to participate in the process of national and local election steps, encourage the community to participate in every step that support for the development of a good governance system. Overall MCRO work on the following key areas:
- Lobby and advocacy for equality and justice of marginalized groups,
- Organizing dialogue sessions among think tank, government stakeholders, and representatives of Civic Society Organization/CSOs to influence policymakers,
- Public education and awareness-raising activities for the affected community to understand the issues that systematically marginalize and make them victim,
- Building Social Accountability,
- Community-based Conflict resolution and peace-building.


Pic: Adult Learning and Empowerment Facilitation - addressed 250 adult

Walmara Woreda, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinnee

Priority areas of education program identified during the planning for the organization to intervene for the coming years are:
- Promote interventions contributing to the development of emotional intelligence of young people: Prepare tailored curriculum and tools for social and emotional skill development of the target groups, the intervention approaches shall include smart, interactive, and participatory training sessions customized for specific groups along with innovative interventions methods known to attract and elicit motivation of the participants. Special focus will be given for teenagers in the upper primary school and high school, and out of school youths as they are classified as the vulnerable and most needy groups,
- Promote Access to education for the disadvantaged groups: Intervention to improve the hard to reach children’ s access to primary school will be much prioritized (design innovative program that could support out of school children and children from the disadvantaged community to get access to primary school education),
- Promote and access to education for the hard to reach disadvantaged aged 15 to 40 years old groups: Intervention to improve the hard to reach children’s to design innovative program that could support out of school, children married women and young girls,
- Promote improved quality education in primary school support for infrastructure development to improve enrollment ratio and disparity.

Environment, Agriculture and Rural Food Security

Pic: Climate Smart Urban Agriculture for 100 House Holds on 47 Hectare Lands

Burayiu City Adminstration, Oromia Zone

MCRO’s agricultural program is structured in such a way as to respond to the needs of rural farmers particularly female-headed households.
The priority focus of MCRO shall be
- Introducing improved and high yield seeds/breeds,
- Capacity building in improved production techniques and cooperation for bulk production and the marketing of outputs,
- Food processing and marketing,
- Market linkages.
Much of MCRO's work to protect and conserve the environment has occurred within the context of its agricultural programs. Reforestation, soil restoration and conservation, land reclamation, tree planting, and agroforestry are some of the interventions areas the organization has prioritized to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources and alignment is created between agricultural practices and environmental conservation.

Children Development

Pic: Support, 150 Orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) at primary school focusing and facilitation of grils and children education

Burayiu City Adminstration Oromia Zone

Under the Child development program, MCRO’s prioritized intervention area includes:
- Promoting pre-primary school children’s access to early learning education (between 4 and 6 years) to enhance access to education for children from disadvantaged community promote for the establishment of community-based early learning centers and opening of O’ class in public primary schools,
- Support for capacity building to community-based early learning centers (support the center to establish conducive playground, support and facilitate for early learning centers to full fill basic and necessary playing materials, capacity building training for caregivers on delivery of educational activities at early learning centers,
- Enhance community’s participation and support in the day-to-day operation of community-based early learning centers and Kindergarten classes,
- Strengthen networking among different stakeholder for the Protection and safeguarding of Children Right,
- Enhance the skill of parenting,
- Rehabilitation and reintegration of street children.